We are laborers together with God
My wife, and I we belong to Nagercoil, in Kanyakumrai District, which is at the Southern tip of our country. I was born in a traditional Christian family on 27th November, 1948. After my Engineering education I worked in various reputed firms in Madras, Baroda, Bombay, etc.
In the year 1984, I came to know and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. At that time I was working as Engineering manager in Hawkins Cookers Ltd., Hoshiarpur in Punjab. Though the Lord Jesus Christ is equal to God, He loved me so much that He humbled Himself and became the Lamb of God who suffered and died in my place. He took the burden of my sins upon Himself and shed His precious blood to save me. He also rose again from the dead and is alive for evermore. He is going to come very soon to judge and reward every man, and also reign on the earth in righteousness and truth. The Holy Bible, the Word of God gives the answer to all our questions about God, man, earth etc. After understanding and believing these truths about my God and about myself, I have started sharing the Truth with everyone.
Later, in the year 1989 while I was working in Bombay, the Lord led me to go back to Punjab and live in Amritsar. So, from December, 1989 I was staying in a hired house in Amritsar and preaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to all those who are willing to listen. The Lord is wonderfully caring for us meeting all our needs and guiding us. Whenever we meet together as His people in His name, in all simplicity and sincerity, He is also teaching us many things from His precious Word, correcting us and guiding us. In the year 2005 the Lord helped us to build a prayer house and our residence in the address mentioned above.
I have been also printing and distributing these messages in Punjabi and English. We must understand clearly two important aspects of our salvation. Firstly, we must know what is the gospel of the grace of God revealed through the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. By this we are born again and we receive the free gift of eternal life. Secondly, we must know what is the gospel of the glory of Christ associated with the return and reign of our Lord Jesus Christ in all His power and great glory. This is about completely trusting and sincerely obeying the Lord, overcoming the deceitful devices of the enemy, yielding to His word and being transformed into His image day by day. This will enable a believer to become worthy to partake in the glory and power of our Lord, which is going to be manifested very soon.
India is a nation of very rich cultural heritage. The people of the whole nation are generally very religious and have a very deep desire to know the true God and to do whatever is pleasing to Him. But Satan has blinded the eyes of many with superstitions, idol worship, etc. Many people honour, fear and worship the creature (mountains, rivers, sun, moon, stars, birds, animals, man, etc.) instead of worshipping the Creator. We must pray that the Lord may raise up many witnesses in this country who will love Him with a sincere heart and serve Him truthfully. Especially in North India there is a great need for many servants of God who are ready to trust and obey the Lord in every matter wholeheartedly.
Punjab is one of the northern most states of our country, bordering Pakistan. We have the following details of the people of Punjab from 1991 census. The approximate detail of Churches and Christian workers in Punjab as on 1997 is also given below.
More than 60% of the population is of the Sikh religion. In Punjab there is a good response among the general public to hear the gospel. Though people are not openly coming out of their traditional faiths, they are very keen to know the truth. There is a need for the servants of the Lord to maintain a good testimony and a proper understanding and presentation of the Truth. There is a great need for good Bible-study literature and simple tracts in the Punjabi language. The Lord has led us to be in Amritsar area for the past 16 years. He enabled us to preach the Gospel in many cities and towns of Punjab. Those who are saved by the grace of our Lord have been gathered together to have fellowship with one another in a few places regularly. Firstly the believers must have the desire and understanding to worship God and remember the Lord Jesus Christ by partaking in the Lord’s Table week after week. They must also come together often to systematically study the Word of God and pray together and encourage one another to walk in His ways and be ready for His glorious return.
We have a small gathering of believers in Amritsar City. We are about 60 to 70 people meeting together regularly in the above-mentioned prayer house. Most of these believers are construction workers, carpenters, painters, rickshaw pullers, etc. Many of them especially the sisters are illiterate. And they are unable to properly educate their children too.
We have similar gatherings in a few nearby villages also. There also the condition is very much similar. We go to these villages from the city every week to help them in the meetings.
PUNJAB (1991)
In the year 1995 in a village near Ajnala
D.S.Nicholson B.E., M.I.E.
#1155, Fairland Colony,
Fatehgarh Churian Road,
Punjab. India
Mobile Phone 09417064194
Email: godslove48@yahoo.com
Website: www.godslove48.com